We have all heard the saying “We are what we eat.” So, if we want to be super – we all better start eating more super foods! Okay, perhaps that is not exactly how it works. However, with all the buzz about super foods these days, it certainly does spark the question – what are the super powers of these foods, and do they really work?
The interesting thing about super foods is… they are not actually a thing. The term “superfoods” is more of a marketing ploy than an actual food group. The contents of a super food list tends to vary. The fact remains that eating a balanced a diet rich in fruits, vegetable, lean protein, whole grains and dairy is the recommended way to maintain health. That being said, there are many foods that pack a powerful dose of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants into one serving, and thus, may be considered super. Below we outline a handful of foods rich in nutritional value that would certainly make a great addition to a well-rounded diet. They also may potentially provide you with a few super powers on the side. (No promises on the latter):
Flaxseed has long been recognized as a beneficial health supplement. This tiny seed is rich in fiber and has been used for many years as a laxative to aid in constipation. Flaxseed is also believed to help lower high levels of cholesterol. In addition to these potential benefits, researchers are studying the role that flaxseed may play in other health conditions including some types of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Dating far back to ancient texts, the root of the ginger plant has been utilized by several cultures for its health benefits. Still today many find ginger beneficial in staying healthy. Ginger is also quite popular with individuals struggling with nausea, including pregnant woman, individuals who struggle with motion sickness, and chemotherapy patients. Ginger offers a nice alternative for those seeking an alternative to conventional medicine for a queasy stomach.
Salmon is a highly recommended seafood option. It boasts high levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids which may promote heart health among other great health benefits. Salmon is also quite low in saturated fat. It is considered a good lean protein choice, especially for those who choose to steer clear of meat.
This bright purple tropical fruit grows on palm trees in Central and South America. It tops the list of many super food charts here in the United States. Often a popular smoothie ingredient, acai is sought after due to its reputation for weight-loss. However, little to no research proves that acai possesses this specific health benefit, sparking a crackdown by the Federal Trade Commission on companies that market it as such. That being said, we welcome the tasty flavor and pop of color that acai brings to our healthy breakfast.
The above list is excellent to consider working into your well-balanced diet. Full disclaimer: eating too much or too little of any single food group does not a super human make. All allergies and dietary restrictions should be discussed with a medical professional. Lastly, we’ d like to be the first to know if you find yourself with the ability to fly, become invisible or see into the future. Please be sure to include in your correspondence which “super food” you last ate, so we can be super too!